It is common that we just take for granted the existence of certain daily use tools or artifacts, without considering that their solely existence is based on quantum physics effects.
It is common that we just take for granted the existence of certain daily use tools or artifacts, without considering that their solely existence is based on quantum physics effects.
Most of the concepts in science are clear and easy to associate with our daily life, but there are concepts and theories that are often misinterpreted.
If you are asked, how is it that we are built or constituted? Your answer most likely will be “of atoms”, and even though this is a correct answer, it partially describe how all things we know are formed. Is the standard model the one that describes in detail how matter is constituted.
The response might be deemed obvious, but the question is not strictly related to our day and night cycle, this is a more complex question, deeply interconnected with the history and evolution of our cosmos.
Probably the most important and famous experiment on quantum mechanics is the double slit experiment, where one basic quantum principle is manifested, and give us a glimpse of the weird world around this branch of Physics.